Introducing feedcontrol, Celeritive’s new science-based toolpath optimization solution available for SIEMENS NX CAM

Easily optimize toolpaths inside of NX CAM.


feedcontrol is...

feedcontrol is a physics-based toolpath simulation and optimization application designed to make high-efficiency machining easy to accomplish. Users of FeedControl do not need to have any special skills outside of basic CAM programming knowledge and with only a few mouse clicks can produce highly effective enhancements to machine programs. feedcontrol works with native NX CAM toolpaths as well as VoluMill toolpaths.

How feedcontrol Works

feedcontrol produces optimal machining efficiencies by uniquely leveraging job-specific information that includes part geometry, material science, machine-tool capabilities, and cutting-tool geometry. Using this information, FeedControl simulates, analyzes, and adjusts the entire machining operation using its unique physics-based process modeling engine. The results ensure proper cutting pressure throughout the entire machining operation – allowing machine tools and cutting tools to operate safely and at optimal efficiency as they were designed to.

feedcontrol - Easy to Use with NX CAM

feedcontrol is tightly integrated with NX CAM and is used directly within the Siemens NX CAM environment. This eliminates the need to go outside of your current NX CAM environment, reducing potential security risks, while also facilitating the deployment and adoption of FeedControl within your existing programming workforce. Your original pre-optimized programs remain intact at all times while newly optimized programs are easily identified - all within NX CAM and maintaining your digital thread.

feedcontrol - Workforce Benefits

Because feedcontrol always ensures safe, predictable, and optimized machining operations, CAM programmers of varying experience can easily produce expert-level toolpaths with little or no disruption to their existing workflow. Because of this, the benefits of FeedControl can significantly aid in the overall productivity of all shops, and especially those that struggle with skills gaps related to programming experience.

feedcontrol - Reliable and Predictable

Chip formation is the key to optimized machining performance. Program characteristics such as heat evacuation, tool load and deflection, spindle load, workpiece hardening, and fixturing constraints are all significantly impacted by consistent chip formation. With nearly two-decades of material and machining science intelligence built into its engine, feedcontrol is reliable and ensures that proper chip formation is always ideal to the current project at hand, and most importantly, chip formation is as consistent as possible throughout the entire machining operation.